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Planning Board Minutes 06/06/2013
June 6, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:            Diane Chauncey (Secretary)         Chris Condon (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Chair)                 Steve MacDonald (Member)        Martha Pinello (Member)          Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)  Janet McEwen (Alternate)              John Robertson (Ex-officio)
Members Absent:  Sarah VanderWende (Member)   Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)        
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett     Diane MacDonald

7:00 PM Public Meeting
To consider the Board of Selectmen would like PB input/recommendation of accepting offer of a Conservation Easement on 100 acres of land being offered by the Bean Family LLC through an agreement with AWE LLC

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7PM and appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Ms. VanderWende.

Chair Lazar explained the letter he had sent via email on May 30, 2013. The letter which he had signed as Planning Board Chair had stated that the Board respectfully declined the invitation to make a recommendation on the matter as it “would compromise the role in hearing an application from AWE, if that becomes necessary in the future”. Chair Lazar asked alternate ex-officio, John Robertson, if he would speak to the request.

Mr. Robertson stated that in RSA 14: a, both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission shall have input on a land purchase, such as a conservation easement, as part of the process. The BOS will also host two Public Hearings (June 10 & June 24) for public input to the proposed easement.

Chair Lazar stated that if the request concerned just the easement, the Board could make recommendations but the conservation easement was tied to the AWE application and that the Planning Board needed to remain neutral. He said that it would be irresponsible of the Board to make comment at this time.

Vice-Chair Levesque stated that the Planning Board should not make recommendations for all the reasons that Chair Lazar had stated. He said the Board of Selectmen would be fine because the request had been made.

Mr. Robertson said that suggestions could be made at the Public Hearing.

Vice-Chair Levesque stated that the Board should not make comments due to the possibility of a future AWE application.

Chair Lazar stated that the Chair is responsible for the agenda.

Mr. MacDonald read Chair Lazar’s letter and said that the letter had not been brought before the Board [before it was sent to the BOS and Planning Board members], and that he felt the procedure was inappropriate.

Chair Lazar stated that he sets the agenda and can make certain decisions.

Vice Chair Levesque stated that he had spoken with the Chair and it should not have happened in that order.

Mr. MacDonald stated that Chair Lazar had overstepped his bounds.

Chair Lazar stated that the agenda is reviewed by him and he then approves it.

Mr. Condon stated the Board should decide on recommendations.

Mr. MacDonald stated that if Chair Lazar was not going to stay within the bounds of Chair, “I would make a motion to have him removed”.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to respectfully decline the invitation to recommend or give input to   accept an offer of a Conservation Easement on 100 acres of land being offered by the Bean Family LLC through an agreement with AWE LLC, as the Planning Board may (in the future) sit on an application from AWE and this could compromise their ability to do that.

Mr. MacDonald seconded.

Roll call vote: Mr. Condon, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Vice-Chair Levesque, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Ms. McEwen, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes.

Approve May 2, 2013 Minutes

Vice Chair Levesque moved to take the May 2 minutes “off the table” for discussion. Mr. Condon seconded the motion. All (except Ms. McEwen, who abstained) were in favor of approving the minutes, as amended.

Approve May 16, 2013 minutes

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to accept the minutes; seconded by Ms. Pinello. The minutes were approved, as amended.

Budget YTD - FYI

Planning Board Legal Fund – maintain account?

The Planning Board Legal Fund account had been established in 2011 as an account for donations to the Board’s legal counsel. There was a short discussion.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to close the account and send the balance to Atty Little. Mr. Robertson seconded. A vote was taken an all were in favor. The motion passed.

Garrad Hassan request for unpaid invoice

Ms. Chauncey and Mr. Stearns had received an email request for payment for Invoice #US1703991 for $643.75. Ms. Chauncey contacted Ms. Pinello and stated that the Planning Board letter sent to G/H on May 8, 2012 would be re-sent to G/H as the explanation to the G/H request. An email was sent with the letter attached. No further correspondence has occurred.


State of NH DOT Driveway Permit for Kenneth Boucher - FYI

Other business:

Ms. Chauncey stated that Mr. & Mrs. Stewart would present their application for their Excavation Site, known as “Zeke & Mack’s”. Vice-Chair Levesque stated that the application should include the Excavation Site checklist, as well as the Site Plan Review checklist.

At 8:15 pm, Mr. MacDonald moved to adjourn. Vice-Chair Levesque seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board